Last stop: Kansas!

I’m posting this blog from London’s Heathrow Airport as we are about to board our second of three flights of the day that will take us home. In many ways this trip has been a whirlwind and in others it feels as if we’ve been traveling far longer than eight and a half months.

Waited until the very last country to try out a segway tour. Would absolutely do it again!

Waited until the very last country to try out a segway tour. Would absolutely do it again!

Thanks to any readers who have stuck with us throughout this journey, we didn’t post nearly as frequently as we would have hoped, but perhaps you were able to pick up some travel tips or at least get a glimpse into what our life on the road has been like throughout our round-the-world trip. As usual we’re behind on posts and do at some point hope to pick up where we left off writing about the rest of our travels, though as usual we make no promises.

Since we last posted we wrapped up our month in Vietnam, the most difficult leg of the trip for us, then spent a great week in Shanghai and Hong Kong before meeting up with my best friend in Portugal and Spain. We crammed more tapas and wine and museums into the last 12 days than we would have thought possible, but fell in love with both countries and definitely went out on a high note.

Loved traveling with Kacey Faith, my best friend and first "points convert"

Loved traveling with Kacey Faith, my best friend and first “points convert”

In the end we visited 21 countries and two territories (Hong Kong and Macau) on six different continents. Not counting the two months we stayed put serving in Uganda, we slept in 114 different “beds” over 182 days, never sleeping anywhere longer than six consecutive nights. We were on 42 different airplanes, and didn’t have to pay a penny for any of our accommodation or flights thanks the 2.5 million miles we redeemed. Still “crunching the numbers” for our final budget breakdowns, but it’s obvious that our international travels were cheaper than our normal cost of living in Denver.

We hate the phrase “trip of a lifetime” because we’ve both been on spectacular trips before and we know our future holds many more, but it’s hard to deny how incredibly special the past 250 or so days have been. All in all everything went nearly as smooth as we could have dreamed of, we saw and tasted and experienced so many new cultures and best of all got to do it all together.